You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2011.

A candidate for creepy doll island in a shop window.

I’ve met this loyal dog but not his human.

Bill let me use his fisheye lens last weekend.  It really makes the optic for my Lensbaby seem more like a toy, I was surprised how comparably little distortion there was.

I do hope this is okay with the Witness Protection Program guidelines.

Growing  like a tiny dahlia,  “cosmos atrosanguineus” smells wonderfully of chocolate. It’s hardy if I cover it a little over the worst of winter. Again a scratch and sniff widget would be a good thing…

Halfway underwater anyway.  Val had the good idea to climb up a bit, the plexiglass was pretty cloudy.

This guy seemed pensive. Another shot from the day I got to hang out with Val.















Shaggy Mane mushrooms are edible and can’t be mistaken for any other type. You would be just as well off to toss them and eat the butter and garlic straight though, they have even less flavor than white grocery store mushrooms.

I knew Val isn’t a fish fan, I’d not be either if the fish I eat smelled like the penguin poo on these rocks.

I got to meet up with Val at the zoo while visiting my mom.  We both are grateful for digital cams when trying to get a nice motion blur. I think I got three that I like out of a bunch.

This mailbox only gets mail from the Creepy Island of the Dolls.  It is really a creepy link,  you are warned..

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October 2011
